Corporate Movies and Spots
Whether it’s the setting, the narrative, the pace, the theme, the characters: There are movies and clips which immediately draw us in. They take us on a journey and change us along the way. We’re not talking about Hollywood here. We’re talking about you.
A good corporate movie or spot looks at us in a benevolent way. It’s not about showing off, but looking behind the scenes. Sympathetic, honest observation which evokes joy and admiration. It creates interest for the one who is able to talk about his world, his ambitions and doubts, his achievements and failures in such a wonderful, unique way.
BRIGHT sees things more closely, more positively. More often than not we look at our clients very differently than they look at themselves. Strange but true: We all tend to undersell our qualities and overemphasize our vanities. So the last thing we need is a mirror. What we need is someone who sees us without a filter, from the right angle, in a good light. We need a friend.
Sounds cheesy? Maybe. But imagine if – just for a moment – our customers, colleagues or partners could see us, really see us as a friend: They would never look at us the same way again. So don’t worry about how to please everyone with the things you say and do. We’ll make sure you look perfect to the people that really matter to you.